Thursday, September 8, 2011

No time for that Techno stuff!

I have a confession to confess (redundant much?). This entire summer, I've only taken out my camera a handful of times and haven't taken tons of photos (besides camp outs and hiking Timp). I was reading an article of DPS (which I follow religiously), and it happened to be this one. I felt inspired! Motivated! I could do this!!!

So I sat there, and continued surfing the web, until I looked back and noticed it was sunset time! I remembered the inspiration! The motivation! The I can do this-ation!!! And I realized, if I didn't go out now, I never would!

So I grabbed my camera, put on my 135mm prime (Thanks to the article I listed, that's all I'll be using for a while), and I headed out the door! I took 25 or so photos, most of them of the same few things, and came back inside. I then went through (after playing some Battlefield 2, of course), and cut them down to 6 that I liked the most.

So, without further ado , I present to you six photos that I took today, NONE of which have gone through ANY post-processing of any kind! (That's the reason for the title HAH I'm so funny)

Here is my dog, Miley, resting on the deck. 

I was walking around the yard and happened to notice this little guy just in time! 

My brother's family (currently living with us) likes to dry their clothes with the wind 

For this one, I was trying to isolate one of the clothespins with focus, the rest to be blurred 

Finally to the sunset!

I was going for a simplistic approach for this one

Well, that's all of them! What do you think? Which ones are your favorite? What did I do good/bad? Any comments are appreciated!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Give it a whirl!

One thing that I've found that I do a lot when I'm bored, is I find ways to physically move the camera for cool effects. One of my most used versions is rotating the camera, to try and get results like this:

Pretty cool, huh?

Achieving the desired effect (with the center over the subject) can be extremely difficult, and most of the time I end up with something like this:

Oh darn it, I missed! 

So yeah, that's one of my techniques! If you like it you should try it out and show me what you get! Thanks for reading!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Journey Begins

Well, I've procrastinated staring this blog for long enough, so I thought "Why not just start it now?" So that's what I'm doing! Woot!

So I'd like to start out this blog with (in my opinion) one of the best photos I've ever taken:

So there I was, reading my book during a Father-and-Sons campout, when my dad told me to go take a picture of the sunset, so I obliged. I noticed that there were a bunch of kids throwing rocks in the water, and I got a few really good photos of them (although I haven't published them yet). I walked further away and noticed that the tree could work really good. Then I just waited for the kid to walk by, and tadah!!

That's my story, what do you think?